Wednesday, December 31, 2008


For many years, I cared for a gentle and generous man who lived most of the year in Peru. He served as a teacher in a school for indigenous people. On most of his visits back to the States, he would bring small souvenirs.

On one occasion, he presented me with a small bronze statue of a llama carrying hoppers full of copper. The little creature has lived in my office ever since, proudly standing among several other mementos from patients. I smile and remember my patient and his stories whenever I see the llama.

Recently, I was honored
to be given a "Golden Llama Award" by Dr. Rob at Musings of a Distractable Mind. Golden Llamas are awarded because...well, um...just because. I was surprised and delighted to be recognized.

So, now I have two llamas, one bronze (pictured here) and one gold (on the sidebar). Both are fun and both are very much appreciated. Thanks to my patient and thanks to Dr. Rob.

1 comment:

rlbates said...

Congrats on both of your llamas. Happy New Year!